iGi tokenomics
iGi is not a pump and dump.
iGi is using this as a marking tool for its web site.
iGi has a finite supply “100 billion”
iGi will put half of total supply out for liquidity, 50 billion
iGi is retains 10 billion for personal.
iGi does have a 1% tax “Fixed”
iGi is not burning any tokens.
iGi Rewards Program:
30 billion of the remaining will be dropped when iGi reaches a new all time highs.
When iGi reaches 1 cent iGi will split 1 million by 10 wallet address “100000 by 10 people” in Telegram/Twiiter/Reddit..
Then 5 cent
Then 10 cent
Then 15 cent
Then 20 cent and so on
But only if it hits the goal ONCE.
If the price bounces up and down The reward only happens the First Time.
Only one time per wallet address, No favorites!!!
iGi is doing this as a reward program and to help keep the price going up.
iGi has 10 billion for swapping with other meme coins. “To generate good will with other creators”
iGi will do an even “Token Swap” token for token. “At 100 billion limts”
iGi will hold these token for 1 year. Hope you will do the same! “At iGi discretion”